Individual mentoring

I mentor women who want to grow professionally caring for their wellbeing

Who I work with

How can I help you?

I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I believe you do, and for you to find them during out coaching process:

  • I will give you a safe space to explore alternative solutions to your challenges or to advance your personal and professional development.
  • I offer you the possibility to move forward in an organic and sustainable way but following a prioritized plan, with clear objectives and success indicators.
  • I will (gently) push you out of your comfort zone to change your perspective, challenge your beliefs, reinforce your strengths, and work on your improvement points.
  • We will combine self-discovery exploration during the mentoring and coaching process with an exchange of knowledge, tips and practical challenges to get you started immediately in the “doing, learning and improving” cycle.

In the process you will be able to:

  • Use your UX knowledge to gain insights, reframe, ideate and design solutions to their challenges
  • Discover alternatives and reframe your perception of a situation or yourself.
  • Leverage the mistakes and experience of someone who has been a designer, researcher and team leader for over 20 years.
  • Having someone by your side, without judging you, so that you don’t lose momentum or motivation.

Most frequently discussed topics

Working better

  • Better organize my time and tasks
  • Prioritize
  • Be a better leader for my team
  • Work more efficiently
  • Delegate
  • Improve collaboration between individuals and teams
  • Adding value in a chaotic environment.

To evolve both at a personal and professional level

  • Be more productive, focused and effective without sacrificing your physical or mental health behind.
  • Use your passion, idealism or perfectionism to work for you instead of against you.
  • Discovering and appreciating all that I can do and am not aware of.
  • How to be sensitive and passionate in the business world without suffering

Regarding specific design and research topics, the most requested are how to extract and prioritize insights, how to better present results, and how to better communicate my design to developers, among many others.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • One-hour 1:1 online sessions (Meet, Zoom)
  • Initial 30-minute discussion (free of charge) to determine if we are a good fit and define and prioritise objectives.
  • Each session has its own objective (which you set). I will ask you to define success criteria so that it will be clear when you have achieved your goals.
  • Objectives and priorities may change, so you will always be in control of the pace and direction.
  • The work continues between sessions. I will give you guides and resources so that you have time to reflect and put to practice what we’ve discussed in our session.

As I want to develop and support your independence and not create a dependency on me, we will agree on a specific duration for each process (which has its own objectives).

Ideally, mentoring should be paid for by the company. In this case, I will deal directly with them through my company, xcentric lab.
If this is not possible, the cost will depend on your work situation and the country where you live, as I try to adapt to the reality and situation of each person.

Mentoring is usually paid per session, although I offer the possibility of a reduced-price plan for a fixed number of sessions.

Yes. I have a limited quota of free mentorships, mostly for women who have no income or exceptional students who have very limited income.

Free mentoring is ad hoc and more suitable for specific, practical challenges – not so much for a learning process like the one I offer for paid sessions.

What do they say?

Let's talk 🙂

Even if we don’t get to collaborate, there’s nothing like a chat to open doors and keep learning.

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